Our Mission:

A Platform for Doing Good

Since 1945, the SCPOC has brought Santa Clarans together to showcase their Champions from Sports, Civic and Business leaders, Culture and Arts, to Entertainment and now Tech. The entire city would gather in its Historic Downtown (founded in 1852) to celebrate their heritage, community spirit, and pride every year. It has been one of the longest-running unifying events in the history of Santa Clara. Lifelong Memories were made, and community bonds strengthened for generations to follow.

We are the center of Silicon Valley geographically--little known factoid. In our backyard is the historic home of the Ohlones, the site of the Santa Clara de Asis Mission founded in 1777 and the oldest University in continual operation in the state of California, where miles of fruit orchards in the Valley of Hearts Delight were grown and its fruit exported around the world, we supplied our WWII Military and allies with canned food, ships, planes and engineer know how--we are the birthplace of today's Tech industry. With all the amazing firsts, history, resources and strong diverse community ties, it’s no wonder that Santa Clara is the headquarters for the Santa Clara Parade of Champions for the past 55 years.

Our mission is fundraising and giving back to our community in a variety of ways, to collaborate with our community members and nonprofits, and celebrate and showcase the positive contributions of our youth, residents, seniors, civic and business leaders--all that have made Santa Clara one of the top cities to live in California, according to the California Chamber of Commerce. But here at SCPOC we always knew that. Our mission is to continue to be a platform for doing good and bringing visibility to the hard-working nonprofits and community members who volunteer countless hours to making our Santa Clara the place they want to build their lives for generations to come. We are grateful to be part of this diverse and thriving community -- then and now.