Santa Clara Parade of Champions and Festival Event Needs Volunteers
A History of Community Service Since 1945. Grateful to All Our Champions!
The Santa Clara "Parade of Champions" is the longest-running, most inclusive event in Santa Clara's history. After running for 50 years until 1995, it was revived in 2019 by dedicated grassroots volunteers as a 501c3 organization. Our goal is to build community through the parade and festival, supporting youth scholarships, community service projects, senior vets, and families facing medical crises.
Thanks to hundreds of volunteer hours and annual fundraising, the SCPOC thrives, creating lifelong memories across generations. It's the community's love of volunteerism that makes SCPOC a success every year—THANK YOU!
Scroll to see the Parade Day Volunteer Jobs below.
We need maximum of 150 volunteers on Parade Day.
Sign up TODAY!
Volunteer FAQ’s:
Parking, Drop Off, Check In, Service Hours, & Waiver
If you drive yourself, please park at University Plaza Center Parking lot at 1171 Homestead Rd. Santa Clara, CA. If your driver needs to drop you off? Drop off point is at Homestead corner of Monroe. Short walk to the SCPOC Volunteer Check in Booth. Many of the Parade Routes will be blocked. Check event map for details.
Located at 940 Monroe Street in the Seniore's Pizza Parking lot. There we will give you a SCPOC T-shirt, lanyard with event map, and SCPOC event Contacts. Please choose from the Parade Day Positions below - check shift times associated with the specific jobs below.
We believe in Giving Back to the Community and reward with Community Service hours. If you are a student, please use a google or personal email account when you sign up. If not, School emails will bounce back because of firewalls that block non-school emails.
Please indicate if you are a Student in the Sign-up form, bring your community service paperwork for signatures. Ask only SC Parade of Champions BOARD members such as Ana Vargas-Smith/Karen Ardizzone for signatures at the SCPOC Volunteer Booth at 940 Monroe Street Parking lot.
Santa Clara Parade of Champions is not responsible for personal items left while volunteering for the parade. There are no lockers or other protected storage units.
Items (such as: backpacks, purses, coats, extra clothing, electronics, etc.) are not secured or protected.
For those in the Parade Line up as banner carriers and balloon handlers. We video the Parade to be broadcasted on City TV. That said PLEASE make sure we see your SCPOC T shirt and no backpacks while in the parade.
Plan ahead:
Wear Comfortable shoes,
Leave your belongings at home or with someone you trust,
Travel light.
Sign Up Online, After You Select Your Parade Day Job, Review the Description, & Check In Times
Banner Carriers: Check in @10:30. Volunteers needed are 36 at 2 per banner
Balloon Handlers: Check in @ 9:30. Volunteers needed are 15-50 total or 8 to 10 per platform.
You and your team will be assigned to one of 3 20ft. Cold Air Balloons sitting on 10x10 Platforms. They are to be pulled by ropes attached. We have gloves for your comfort.
Participant Parking Areas in Staging: Check in @8:30. Volunteers needed 2
Direct traffic flow of vehicles in and out
Direct parking locations
Staging Booth/Ray Pulver Team: Assist Lead to place Volunteers at their positions. Check in @9:30. Volunteers needed 4-6
Receive pre-checked in volunteers from SCPOC Main Event Booth.
Direct volunteers to assigned areas based on Job.
Remain on site following the parade to pack up booth.
Assist with cleanup of area.
Place Parade Car signs on Dignitaries’ Vehicle: Check in @9:30. Volunteers needed 2
Place correct car sign on Community Dignitaries/honored guests’ cars with Blue Tape. The tape should not be visible, and signage must be straight for Photos Ops, Video and News Media
Greet passengers and escort to driver of the car they are riding.
After Parade, Collect the car signs and give to SCPOC person in charge. We recycle.
Sponsor Banners and Collection: Check in @ 9:30. Volunteers needed 4
Unroll Parade banners and organize banners in order of List of Parade Entries. Ask Ray Pulver for the List.
Organize Banner Carriers and assign a pair of walkers to each banner. If we are short of Banner Carriers we often Recycle Banner Carriers by picking them up by Golf Cart and return them to Start of Parade for a New Banner Assignment for next leg of Parade. Your help is appreciated.
Follow Instructions of Ray Pulver Team and put Banner Carriers at the assigned location at Start of Parade. Wait for instructions.
Collect banners at end of parade to be placed on a U-Haul Truck destined for Storage. Dan Meyberg is responsible for the Uhaul Truck.
Parade Route Marshals at street intersections: Check in @10am. ADULT 18 and over needed 20 Volunteers
Help monitor Traffic Pedestrians or cars with SCPC traffic control on street in areas recommended.
Ensure parade flow continues forward with no Gaps exceeding 10ft-15ft between parade groups.
Ensure parade units turn corner without a problem.
Report any problems from non parade pedestrians running into the parade line up that interfere with Parade Flow. Public Safety is our priority.
Block leader: Located mid-Block and support Parade Marshalls at Intersections: Check in @10am. Volunteers needed 15
Ensures parade flow continues forward with no Gaps exceeding 10ft-15ft between parade groups.
Ensures parade units turn corner without problem
Report any problems to Parade Marshal. See your Lanyard for Contact info for Event Operations.
De-staging on Washington Street and Peddlars Parking lot at END of the PARADE: Check in @10am Volunteers needed 6
Ensure parade flow continues forward to end of parade to avoid bottlenecks.
Assist entries to location to disembark any riders, out of traffic Show location of participant parking.
Report any problems.
Main Event Stage: Support Lead team for DJ, Judges and Announcer. It’s a runner position. Check in @8am
Volunteers needed 4
We are a forward moving parade. Stopping is in front of Judges but it can not be longer than a minute. The task is to be a dedicated Spotter for Main Stage Announcer and Lead. Your role is to be eyes on parade route to monitor gaps more than 15 feet, stoppage or Delays in front of main stage longer than a minute or two, or incidents of participants falling in the parade. You will stand at street level to monitor parade flow. Ask politely to keep moving after 15 seconds. To communicate changes go on stage to inform announcer or Main Event Lead immediately.
Spotter will communicate to Main Event Lead Parade changes in order of march, any delays
Support Announcer, DJ and judges’ requests with solutions.
At parade end, retrieve judge’s tabulation sheets for awards and Give to Main Event Lead or SCPOC Board Member.
Report any problems to Main Event Lead. See contact info attached to your lanyard on chain of command for your area.
Main Event area: VIP Sponsor Reception and Grandstand Seats. Check in @7am for training.
Volunteers needed 6 total. Need 3 at the American Legion 419 Hall and 3 at the Grandstands.
Breakfast of Champions VIP/Sponsors arrive at 8am at the American Legion Hall located at 958 Homestead Rd. We will need support with Check in at the Hall and the VIP experience. These are Sponsors, Mayor, City Council, Dignitaries, Grand marshals,
Grandstand role is Gate keeper of the Bleachers. These are sold seats. Your role is to check in the sponsor, VIP, Honored guests for wristbands. Check wristbands before allow seating. Any issues speak to Main Event Lead to handle.
Any desire to purchase Bleacher seats on day of Parade please consult Main Event Lead. Give them a wristband as well at point of purchase.
SCPOC Main Event Volunteer Check in and Information Booth located at 960 Monroe Street. Check in @ 6:30: Volunteers 4-6
This Supportive role will check in all Volunteers on a spread sheet, look up their name and job assignment, provide a T shirt, lanyard with Contact info and map. If they are full time, they get a lunch at 1pm. You will then show them the route to their job assignment on the Map nearby. Area for Jobs are in Staging, Main Event/Community Village, Route Marshals and block captains, De-Staging area and Green Team.
Volunteers were notified by email of their job assignment and start time. If they need Community service hours, they must get that signed by a SCPOC Board member at the end of their shift. They must provide their own form.
Tear Down for all areas except Green Team and Main event begin at 3pm. The Main Event Stage area with food trucks and street dance ends at 5pm. Green Team stays to clean after Street dance until 6pm. Check with your area Leads for instructions.
Community Village Volunteers: Vendor 10x10 spaces and Food Trucks. Check in @6:30: Volunteers 6-8
Early morning Set up at 7:00 am and Tear Down by 3pm except for Food Trucks who stay until 5pm.
Your Village Chair/coordinator will tell you location of # booth, Vendor parking and provide instruction and leadership. This info was mailed by Village Chair and Coordinator 10 days before Parade Day to these vendors.
We have PreSet vendor purchased white Canopy booths includes 2 chairs and 6ft Table. All others chose to bring their own Canopies, booths and chairs. Your village Chair has the list.
Green Team/Trash and Recycle all day 6am to 6pm. We have part- and full-time shifts: Volunteers 20
Confirm if you have a driver’s license. There will be a Golf Cart Driver lead position available.
All others who are not driving will be assigned to a Golf Cart Driver to assist. We want 10 volunteers per Shift.
You will be Provided with a Map with Trash Locations check points. Route to be check once an hour. Changed and dropped off at Designated drop off site throughout the day. Morning team does sets up and Late shift does tear down.
Report issues to Green Team Event lead
Final Trash Pickup is 5PM shift end is 6PM
High School Volunteer Forms
Santa Clara High School Volunteering
Wilcox High School Volunteering
WHS Confirmation of Hours Form
Kathleen MacDonald High School Volunteering
KMHS Confirmation of Hours Form
KMHS Volunteer Guidelines
Mission Early College High School Volunteer
MECHS Confirmation of Hours Form
MECHS Volunteer Guidelines
We Also Offer Internships Year-Round!
We welcome volunteers of all ages who want to give back to the community. They are our future community leaders.
Send us your resume to apply for our non-paid internships in areas of operations, social media, videos, event planning, or marketing. There are many creative ways to get involved in our community projects and events with the Santa Clara Parade of Champions. We offer community project experience and service hours for students for graduation and college applications.